Please see our latest ‘Good to Know’ Newsletter for the upcoming Summer Half Term:

Good to Know Newsletter (Summer 24)

Please see our latest information about our CAMHS Parent/Carer Workshops below:

CAMHS Parent/Carer Workshops

A guide to Online Safety:

To access FREE online , training and webinars around keeping children safe and online safety, please follow the link below to enrol and complete the programmes of interest to you.

Click below to see our latest news on ‘Supporting Children’s Mental Health’

Supporting Children’s Mental Health

Click below to see our latest ‘Vaping Dangers’ poster!

Vaping Dangers

Click below to see our latest ‘Good to Know’ newsletter!

Good to Know newsletter

Want to help keep your children safe online? This help-sheet tells you all you need to know.

Click here to DOWNLOAD

More information about ONLINE SAFETY can be found below:

Looking after your Well-being Online – DOWNLOAD

Well-being Wednesdays – DOWNLOAD

Being safe on TikTok – DOWNLOAD

Being safe on Snapchat – DOWNLOAD

Being safe on What’s App – DOWNLOAD

Being safe on YouTube – DOWNLOAD

Being safe on Roblox – DOWNLOAD

12-social-media-online-safety-tips – DOWNLOAD

group-chats – DOWNLOAD

leicestershire-police-addressing-the-online-drugs-trade – DOWNLOAD

money-muling – DOWNLOAD

online-safety-act – DOWNLOAD

sexting – DOWNLOAD

social-pressures-linked-to-friends-and-followers – DOWNLOAD